Faith FiT Life Blog



Motivation is a very important to keep anyone going when doing a Juice Feast. The Faith FiT Life prays and encourages you daily in your journey.   What are your goals? Health, healing something particular, slimming down, or detox are some of the reasons why people do a Juice Feast.

New folks, or veteran juicers face challenges when beginning.  I promise you it will be worth it. Yes, there is food everywhere! It’s in the store, on billboards, on TV commercials, in books and magazines, and even on your computer screen… Read more













Healthy Foods

In the journey of a healthy lifestyle each person must do what is best for themselves individually. Your body will tell you what works for it.

Ready to give juicing and or plant-based lifestyle a whirl? Let’s address juicing first. Juicing is a great way to get more veggies and fruits in your body. Before you get started, you should know a few things about what you can expect juicing to do for you… Read more






Juicing With Friends

And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels… Read more









Training a Baby Elephant

It’s because when the elephant is a baby, its trainers used a chain tied around its leg and the other end of the chain is tied to a metal stake on the ground. The chain and peg were strong enough for the baby elephant. When it tried to break away, the metal chain would pull it back. Sometimes, tempted by the world it could see in the distance, the elephant would pull harder. But the chain would cut into the skin on the elephant’s leg, making it bleed, creating a wound that would hurt the baby elephant even more. Soon, the baby elephant realized it was futile trying to escape. It stopped trying ! … Read More









What Is Your Why?

Find your “why.” The “why” is your motivation for establishing and reaching the goals that you hope to achieve in the Faith FiT Life. It’s what will ultimately determine your success, so it is important to dig deep.

Your “why” can be a number of things. For example, if your goal is to have more energy, you should consider why you want more energy. Do you want more time with the Lord, do you want to be financial stable and or do want to have a more productive work day? Whatever it is, it will serve as the drive you need to reach your goals as you refer back to it throughout your journey. After all, there will be days when you’d rather just kick back. That’s when you remember your “why.” … Read More